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Documents and MSDS  
This is a list of instruction manuals, protocols, data sheets, MSDS (material safety data sheet) and other documents.
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Product name Documents Updated
New 8-OHdG Check ELISA (96 wells)
Code: KOG-200SE
Instruction manual (PDF) 2005/09/15
Assessment of urine samples 2008/06/13
Technical tips for 8-OHdG ELISA 2008/06/13
Quality Control (PDF) 2005/03/31
Application to auto analyzer (PDF) 2005/04/06
MSDS (PDF) 2007/03/07
Highly Sensitive 8-OHdG Check ELISA
Code: KOG-HS10E
Instruction manual (PDF) 2004/09/14
Sample pretreatment procedure (serum/plasma) 2009/03/09
Sample pretreatment procedure (tissue/cultured cells) 2009/03/09
Quality Control (PDF) 2007/11/01
MSDS (PDF) 2007/03/07
Anti 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody (clone N45.1)
Code: MOG-020/100P
Instruction manual (PDF) 2011/05/23
Protocols for immunohistochemical detection 2005/07/25
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
Anti 4-HNE monoclonal antibody (clone HNEJ-2)
Code: MHN-020/100P
Instruction manual (PDF) 2009/07/30
Protocols for immunohistochemical detection 2005/07/25
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
Hexanoyl-Lys (HEL) ELISA kit
Code: KHL-700E
Instruction manual (PDF) 2013/09/03
MSDS (PDF) 2007/03/29
Quality control data sheet(PDF) 2007/11/01
Anti Hexanoyl-Lys adduct (HEL) monoclonal antibody
Code: MHL-021P
Instruction manual clone 5H4 (PDF) 2007/11/02
Instruction manual clone 5F12 (PDF) 2009/12/28
Protocols for immunohistochemical detection 2008/06/11
MSDS (PDF) 2009/12/28
Dityrosine (DT) ELISA
Code: KDT-010E
Instruction manual (PDF) 2013/09/17
MSDS (PDF) 2012/02/01
Anti dityrosine (DT) monoclonal antibody
Code: MDT-020P
Instruction manual (PDF) 2011/07/27
MSDS (PDF) 2007/06/05
Test kit for Potential anti oxidant (PAO assay kit)
Code: KPA-050
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/10/26
MSDS (PDF) 2008/03/28
Anti dibromo tyrosine (DiBrY) monoclonal antibody
Instruction manual (PDF) 2011/07/27
MSDS (PDF) 2007/11/20
Protocols for immunohistochemical detection 2007/11/06
Anti thymidineglycol (TG) monoclonal antibody
Code: MTG-100P
Instruction manual (PDF) 2011/07/27
MSDS (PDF) 2007/11/20
Anti 4-HHE monoclonal antibody (clone HHE53)
Code: MHH-030n
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/07/13
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
Anti 7-KC monoclonal antibody
Code: MKC-020n
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/07/13
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
Anti Acrolein monoclonal antibody (clone 5F6)
Code: MAR-020n/100n
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/07/13
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/23
Anti Crotonaldehyde (CRA) monoclonal antibody
Code: MCA-030n
Instruction manual (PDF) 2010/01/28
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
Anti methylglyoxal (MG) monoclonal antibody
Code: MMG-030n
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/07/13
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
Anti MDA monoclonal antibody (clone 1F83)
Code: MMD-030n
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/07/13
MSDS (PDF) 2007/07/13
MC Reagent Fe Assay Kit (Ferrozine)
Code: CFE-005
Instruction manual (PDF) 2014/08/04
MSDS (PDF) 2014/04/09
MC Reagent Fe Assay Kit (Nitroso-PSAP)
Code: CFE-010
Instruction manual (PDF) 2007/07/18
MC Reagent UIBC Assay Kit (Bathophenanthroline)
Code: CBC-800
MC Reagent Cu Assay Kit (3,5-DiBr-PAESA)
Code: CCU-400
Instruction manual (PDF) 2014/07/18
MC Reagent Zn Assay Kit (5-Br-PAPS)
Code: CZN-001
Instruction manual (PDF) 2014/07/18
MC Reagent Ca Assay Kit (Chlorophosphonazo III)
Code: CCA-020
Instruction manual (PDF) 2014/07/18
MC Reagent Ca Assay Kit (o-Cresolphtalein-Complexone:OCPC)
Code: CCA-030
Instruction manual (PDF) 2014/07/18
Certificate of Analysis (PDF) Lot.6C9301
MC Reagent Mg Assay Kit (Xyridil Blue-I)
Code: CMG-035
Instruction manual (PDF) 2014/07/18
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But even if some damage would be caused by such faults, we will be exempt from responsibility.
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